Lewisburg, Greenbrier County News

This Week's Latest eEdition

Celtic Knot 5K Fun Run/Walk on March 15

There will be a Celtic Knot 5k Fun Run/Walk sponsored by High Rocks on Saturday, Mar. 15. Registration is between 8 to 9:30 a.m. and the race begins at 10 a.m. Join in this fun race which supports The Hub- an environment for local youths to improve personal and professional skills in today’s work force. $25 advanced registration and $30 day of the race. Free for 18 and under and AmeriCorps members. Bring old computers, printers and other e-waste for Tech Express to recycle. The Hub Café will be open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a variety of food items. For more information visit the High Rocks Educational Corporation Facebook page.  

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Dear Recycle Lady

Dear Recycle Lady,  In one of your former columns, you mentioned paper being made from a number of different sources. However, you left out a few. Lemongrass, bamboo, and coconut are three sources that I know of. Https://www.ehow.com/how_5887274_make-paper-out-coconut-fiber.html, has an interesting article entitled “How to Make Paper Out of Coconut Fiber.” How to make paper out of lemongrass is on the website, https://bluecatpaper.com/lemongrass-paper,and https://www.bamboogrove.com/bamboo-paper.html tells about making paper out of bamboo.   Paper Maker Dear Paper Maker, Thanks so much for adding coconut fiber, lemongrass and bamboo to the list of materials used to make paper in place of wood from...

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