Remijan named interim director of Green Bank Observatory 

The new interim director of Green Bank Observatory, Tony Remijan, was no stranger to the facility as he has been an employee of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory for decades. He has even done research with the Green Bank Telescope. Now, he is eager to fill the director position and make plans for the future of the facility. (Photo courtesy of Paul Vosteen) By Suzanne Stewart, Staff Writer, Pocahontas Times When the director position at the Green Bank Observatory became...

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Dear Recycle Lady, Several of my steel (tin) cans are rusty. Can they be recycled? Canner Dear Canner, Slightly rusty cans can be recycled, if they are clean and dry. If there is lots of rust on the can, it goes in the trash. Dear Recycle Lady, I just read that some old growth forests are being cut to keep up with the current demand for paper, especially toilet paper. If so, are there any other materials, besides wood from trees that can be used for making paper. Tree Hugger Dear Tree Hugger, You are correct about the growing demand...

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