Samara Michaelson, choreographer and performer, premieres her new art exhibit called Color Lovesong. Regarding her venture into painting, she says, “I am in my deepest heart a dancer. The visual art that stirs me is saturated in movement and energizing visuals. I embrace the feeling that I haven’t created the art, it has created itself! I just have to show up with the materials, the time, and the love of color. It is a joyous process.”
Samara is also an ancestral medicine practitioner, yoga teacher, and body healing guide (www.fullcirclegatherings.com).
Meet and Greet Samara Michaelson during First Friday on Oct. 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. Color Lovesong art exhibit runs Oct. 3 through Oct. 31 at the General Lewis Inn, 1236 Washington St., Lewisburg.