The GFWC (RWC) held their monthly meeting on Monday, Sept. 24. The program was on Leadership.
Every year the GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) WV Ronceverte Woman’s Club sponsors a sophomore from Greenbrier East High School to attend the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Training Seminar (HOBY), which, this year, was held in Morgantown.
This year’s attendee was Luna Martin. She came to the meeting to tell about her experiences at the seminar and to thank the club for sponsoring her. She told how the students were divided into groups according to their interests. They brainstormed ideas that could be used to promote their projects. Her interests were in organic foods, school gardens, eating healthy foods and community and school projects that would promote these. She came away from the seminar with many new ideas as well as many new friends and some great leadership training.

The RWC also presented Sandra Walton with a 25-year membership award from the state General Federation of Woman’s Clubs. The club then recognized Betty Ralston’s 95th birthday and presented her with a flower and cards. Sadly, the club said goodbye to Kathleen Williamson who will be moving to Ohio. Kathleen has been a very active and valuable member who will be greatly missed.
During the business session, the club decided to continue to help the Trinity Methodist Women with Snacks in Packs for the Ronceverte Elementary School children. The club voted to give a donation, and six women said they would help with this project.
The club will also help with the Friends of the Ronceverte Public Library’s Annual Book Sale at the Greenbrier Valley Mall on Oct. 12 and 13.
Lastly, the club finalized plans for the Meet the Candidates night at the Ronceverte City Hall on Oct. 8.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 23, at the Ronceverte Baptist Church on Main Street at 7 p.m. Any woman interested in coming to the meeting and perhaps joining the civic club is invited to attend. For more information, call 304-647-4890.