Patty Gray introduced Mary Jirka as a new member to the Progressive CEOS when they met at her home for their April meeting. Linda Schmidt read a meditation, “Gazing Out the Window.” She also had the Health Motivator tip for April which was about the eye.
She said some ways to protect the eye is to wear polarized sunglasses, have regular eye exams, limit our TV and computer screen time. She added there are some foods that are eye-healthy, such as green leafy veggies, oily fish, eggs, pork, and citrus fruits.
A sympathy card was signed for Ella Yeager’s family. Ella was a former long-time member. Her wake was on Apr. 3 at McGraw’s Funeral Home and funeral services were held Apr. 4 at the Lewisburg Methodist Church.
The Beckley area meeting is Tuesday, May 15 at Meadow Bridge at the Missionary Baptist Church. The lunch reservations must be in by Apr. 25. The foreign exchange student will be the speaker at the area meeting.
Achievement Day will be May 24 in the WVU Building at the fairgrounds. Our club is to furnish two door prizes. Colleen Walton and Mary Liz Richmond will provide these.
Patty had the program, “Home Economics from The Great Depression to Today.” She asked those who grew up in that time span to tell what it was like. There were several who responded. It made for a very interesting program.
The next meeting will be with Barbara and she will have the program, “Celebrate Equality – WV Women and Education.” Dot will have the meditation and the Health Motivator.
Lynn Humphreys took the traveling basket home with her and will bring it back next month filled with goodies.
Mary Jirka won the door prize.
Delicious refreshments were served and a time of fun and fellowship was shared by all. Those enjoying this time were Lynn Humphreys, Faye Honaker, Chris Gowings, Mary Liz Richmond, Dot Feamster, Linda Schmidt, Kitty Loudermilk, Jean Foley, Colleen Walton, Patty Gray and our new member, Mary Jirka.