On Feb. 23, at the Culture Center in Charleston, Dr. Kim Arbogast McBride and Dr. W. Stephen McBride, archaeologists, were named History Heroes by the Division of Arts, Culture and History, Randall Reid-Smith, Curator. Nominated by the Greenbrier Historical Society, the McBrides were recognized for having contributed significantly to the knowledge of frontier forts and other sites in West Virginia through their leadership of multiple archaeological excavations.

They are long time members of the Greenbrier Historical Society and donated their professional expertise to the work at the Blue Sulphur Springs Pavilion which GHS owns. In addition, Kim McBride has been a member of the Board of Directors for five years and Stephen McBride has been the society’s Journal editor for two years. Kim also serves on the Membership Committee and recently was a vital part of the Planning Committee for the Stellar Evening Fundraiser.
The award was announced by the Director of Archives and History, Aaron Parsons, and presented by Curator Randall Reid-Smith and Thomas Bailey, chair of the WV Archives and History Commission.