The Greenbrier County 4-H Visual Presentation, Public Speaking Creed and Pledge Contest was held on Mar. 8 at Frankford Elementary School. Twenty-seven 4-H members participated in the contest from age nine to 17. Participants discussed a wide variety of topics including pigs, sheep, dairy goats, exchange students, lighthouses, how to make peanut butter and jelly, dental hygiene, German shepherds, deworming goats, chickens, water quality and helping the homeless.
The 4-H & Youth Development program sponsored by West Virginia University encourages their members to actively participate in public speaking to build their confidence, to learn valuable leadership and self-discipline skills, to better able them in planning and organizing their thoughts to others, to become a more active citizen and effective community leader who can teach and inspire others, and to become more effective in life’s daily tasks.
Visual Presentation participants were from clubs: Smoot Hill Top Smokies: Nikki Blankenship-White Ribbon, Arabella Crookshanks, Alyssa Snyder-Red Ribbon, and Alex Crookshanks-Green Ribbon; Seneca Trail: Cohen Gibson-Blue Ribbon, and Victoria Marcus-Red Ribbon; Frankford Jr. Trailblazers: Mary Chris Scronce-Blue Ribbon, and Julia Herndon-Red Ribbon; Renick Stickers:Sallee Richmond and Caitlyn Price-Blue Ribbon, Alexia Tipton, Carissa Cochran and Haley Roberts-Red Ribbon; Central Willing Workers:Josi Ervin-Blue Ribbon; and Caldwell Country Clovers:Kayelin Perry and Savannah Weikle-Green Ribbon, and Dayne Perry-White Ribbon.
Pledge participants were from clubs: Frankford Junior Trailblazers: Ashley Stidom and Jera Holliday-Blue Ribbon; Natalee Cross and Julia Herndon-Red Ribbon; Renick Stickers: Elissa Ervin and Calvin Roberts-White Ribbon; Williamsburg Flying Falcons: Alisha Hedrick-Red Ribbon; Caldwell County Clovers: Walter Weikle-White Ribbon.
Creed participants were from clubs: Frankford Jr. Trailblazers: Zach Ellis-Red Ribbon; Williamsburg Flying Falcons: Madison Hedrick-Red Ribbon.
Thanks to the volunteers who help to make this event possible: Jo Long, Monica Crookshanks, Alex Crookshanks, Ruth Warren, Erica Vaughan, Jerri Gillespie, Sarah Umberger, Lacy Thomas, Linda Simmons, Litz Jarvis, Melinda Workman, Janet Johnson, Karen Lemons, Sharon Rowe, Todd Ramboldt, Kitty Reed, Terri Ramboldt, Taylor Carter and Emily Cross. Refreshments provided by Seneca Trail, Renick Stickers, and Frankford Jr. Trailbalzers 4-H Club. Martha Workman served as the greeter. Recreation was provided by Monica and Alex Crookshanks of the Smoot Hilltop Smokies 4-H Club while judges were tallying scores. Camp Scholarships to attend a local or state 4-H camp were sponsored by the Greenbrier 4-H Foundation. Recipients included Alisha Hedrick, Tory Marcus, Carissa Cochran and Ashley Stidom. Alternates were Zach Ellis and Kayelin Perry.