Ethan Boone senior infielder/pitcher For the Greenbrier East Spartans signed on to play baseball for the Bluefield College Rams. Ethan “12 gauge” Boone not only is a great baseball player, but he sums up what a young man and Greenbrier East athlete should be. He is dedicated to everything he does on the field or off the field. He is a great leader and teammate. Without Ethan’s athletic ability and leadership our team couldn’t be where it is today. He is up every day at 5 a.m. in the weight room during season and in the off-season. It’s all the work he has put in during the off-season that has brought everything full circle for him today. He put in countless hours perfecting his skills as a hitter and as a pitcher. He is the epitome of what a Greenbrier East Spartan should be. That comes from his attitude of being humble, and hungry to be the best.
All this was possible because of his great upbringing and mentoring he has had throughout his life from his family and coaches. It’s a beautiful thing to see a kid go out and get what he wanted due to hours he has put in on his own and applying the teachings of his coaches. Today is his day! Years later when you look back on this day Ethan we hope you realize how great of player you were and above all a person! There’s no doubt in our minds that Ethan Boone is going to be successful in life in whatever he does. Whether that be on or off the diamond. Thank you, 12 Gauge for everything that you have done for the Spartan Baseball program. You are leaving some big shoes to fill! Once a Spartan always a Spartan! …..Pull!!!