The Women of the Henning Church of God gathered Aug. 8 in the church fellowship hall for their regular monthly meeting. Carole Spencer presided and Marty Burns led in prayer.
Dyan Hefner, spiritual life director, gave the devotion, “It Is Not The Outlook, But The Up Look,” with scripture reference from Hebrews 12:2. We try to evaluate things by our senses but God tugs on our heart. We trust him by faith in which we cannot see, but we feel it. She also read a hymn entitled, “I Know Whom I have Believed.”
Bonnie Dodrill, missionary education co-chair, shared about service with scripture reference from Galatians 6:9-10. We all have our own way to serve. We need to do things for the glory of God and not for personal praise.
Joan Vance, missionary education co-chair also shared about Tyrand Cooperative Ministries located in Mill Creek. This organization is made up of several churches and they do service projects to help those in the community. They have living quarters, a food pantry and a thrift shop. They provide emergency assistance to the needy.
Jamie Harvey gave the treasurer’s report, and Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes. The group reported sending 108 cards and making 22 visits and 53 phone calls.
Carole thanked members for their help with Vacation Bible School held earlier this month. She reminded members about the upcoming Yard and Bake Sale to be held Saturday, Sept. 9 and prayer retreat at Cedar Lakes Sept. 29- 30 with Naomi Bryant as speaker.
Bonnie Dodrill dismissed in prayer.
The next meeting will be held Sept. 12.
Attending were: August Hefner, Betty Lou Byers, Bonnie Dodrill, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Donna Scott, Dyan Hefner, Evon Persinger, Jamie Harvey, Joan Vance, Kim Brookman, Marty Burns, Patty Owens, Pauline Perkins, Shirley Loudermilk, Rosie Blake, Alice Coff, Marsha Merritt, and Michelle Carpenter.