High school students will have the opportunity to experience the different careers associated with medical school during the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine’s (WVSOM) second annual Apprentice Day.
In addition to careers in health care, the medical school has a variety of non-medical careers for students to explore during the event, which takes place Monday, Dec. 10, on WVSOM’s campus.
National Apprentice Day is a nonprofit organization connecting kids to their dream jobs regardless of income, race, gender, educational performance or disability.
Leslie Bicksler, WVSOM’s vice president of human resources, said that employees are once again eager to share their career experiences with a new group of high school students.
“As one of Greenbrier County’s largest employers, WVSOM employees are excited to share their careers at WVSOM. Jobs at a medical school encompass more than health-related careers. We have physicians, scientists, educators, graphic artists, marketing professionals, business office personnel and much more. Career opportunities at WVSOM are numerous and often overlap,” she said. “Part of WVSOM’s mission is to educate students as lifelong learners, and we carry that over to our employees as well. The Apprentice Day program provides an opportunity for local youth to see passionate, hardworking and committed West Virginians in jobs that make a difference.”
Participating students will work one-on-one with employees from various departments including clinical sciences; osteopathic medicine; scientific research; clinical evaluations and patient encounters; marketing and communications; and WVSOM’s Rural Health Initiative.
Students interested in Apprentice Day can sign up at apprenticeday.org/jobs or email questions to info@apprenticeday.org. A limited number of spots are available. Deadline to register is Monday, Dec. 3.