On Saturday, June 3, the Williamsburg Community Action is sponsoring a Flea-Market from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Set-up is from 8-10 a.m. Anyone wishing to have a table inside or a space outside (large items on a truck or trailers), should call Shelby at 304-645-3719 by June 1. Tables/spaces are $10 for one, $15 for two.
There will be hot dogs, drinks and goodies at the concession stand as well as other goodies at the bake sale table including corn pone and much more. This bake sale will benefit the Food Pantry. Some other items for sale are: Vita-Mix-Machine, Set It-Forget-It, clothing, books, Rada Knives, refrigerator, scarper blade, charcoal grill and miscellaneous items too numerous to mention.
Sponsored by Williamsburg Community Action. Questions: 304-645-3719.