The monthly meeting of the Williamsburg CEOS was held at the Williamsburg District Historical Foundation Museum on May 12. The meeting was called to order by vice-president Barbara Deeds at 12 noon.
Members present were: Dorothy Hayes, Linda Spencer, Loretta Shirley, Blanche Knicely, Virginia Hanna and Barbara Deeds. Laura Sevy from RSVP was there as a guest.
Virginia Hanna gave a devotional reading “Where is your trust?” citing from the book of Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 7. Dorothy Hayes said a blessing for the fellowship, health and food.
A pot-luck lunch was brought in by the members. Laura Sevy provided a lovely tray of cookies and fruit punch for the meal.
After lunch the business meeting was conducted. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Virginia Hanna and approved. Dorothy Hayes gave the treasurer’s report. Loretta Shirley reported on the county meeting held Apr. 20 at Maxwelton, where Barbara Deeds was selected to be the Greenbrier County Belle at the West Virginia State Folk Festival. Loretta Shirley, Barbara Deeds, Laura Rose, Dorothy Hayes and Blanche Knicely attended the meeting. Virginia Hanna reported on the area meeting held Apr. 23 at Lindside. Virginia Hanna, Barbara Deeds, Blanche Knicely, Linda Spencer and Loretta Shirley attended the meeting. Plans were made for attending the Achievement Day meeting May 18 at Fairlea. Plans are for six members to attend.
Cards were signed to be sent to friends and shut-ins and food was collected for a local food pantry.
Linda Spencer presented the lesson for this month “West Virginia Wonders.” She gave lots of information on the State Parks and other attractions in the state. She also talked about the abundance of animal and plant wildlife. Laura Sevy gave out information and certificates from the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. Motion to adjourn was made by Virginia Hanna and seconded by Blanche Knicely with approval by all present.
The next meeting will be held June 9 at the Williamsburg District Historical Foundation Museum. Kay Davis will have a lesson on “Folk Dancing” which should be lots of fun.
For more information about Community Educational Outreach Service contact any of the members or Kay Davis at the WVU Extension Office in Fairlea at 304-647-7408. New members are always welcome.