The Williamsburg CEOS met Mar. 13 at the home of Blanche Knicely. Members present were Virginia Hanna, Cassandria Perkins, Blanche Knicely, Loretta Shirley, Laura Rose and Barbara Deeds. Laura Sevy attended as a guest.
Members reported 142 volunteer hours, 227 motivational hours and 26 books read.
The meeting began with Virginia Hanna reading a devotional essay titled “Where is God?” and scripture from First Peter chapter 2.
The treasurer’s report was given by Blanche Knicely. Members voted to make a donation of $50 to the Williamsburg Fire Department this month. A nice thank you letter was received from Jim Anderson for last month’s donation to “Love in a Brown Bag.”
There was discussion on attending county and area meetings in the upcoming months. Laura Sevy gave an informative talk on Elder Abuse and answered questions about reporting and where to find help. Thinking of you cards were prepared for friends and neighbors.
26 Heart Pillows sewn by Cassandria Perkins were stuffed by members . These are to be sent to Charleston Area Medical Center as gifts for heart patients. Nonperishable foods were collected for a local food pantry.
A St. Patrick’s Day themed lunch was served by hostess Blanche Knicely after the business meeting with a prayer of thanks sung by all.
The next meeting will be on Apr. 17 at the home of Linda Spencer. Barbara Deeds will be in charge of the lesson.
If anyone would like information about the CEOS they may contact any club member or call the WVU Extension Office in Fairlea at 304-647-7408.