Let’s play Ketchup! Well, let’s “catch up” with the Williamsburg Community Educational Outreach Service (CEOS) Club. And we did play Ketchup while learning about “How to Eat Healthy When Eating Out!”
Club member Laura Rose led the lesson at the May Club meeting where everyone learned what to look for on the menu (like foods described as steamed or grilled) and what to ask (like for a to-go box before you eat so you can divide the meal into a healthier portion).
Club members also brought backpacks, duffel bags, slippers, socks, and personal hygiene items that were donated to the Greenbrier Valley Children’s Home for children experiencing out-of-home placement.
The June meeting featured the Traditional West Virginia Foods lesson led by club member Patty Post. Members shared stories of meals they had as children, showed old cookbooks, and discovered that there are many ways to make salt rising bread. Members enjoyed pepperoni rolls, which are the official state food, and homemade snow ice cream as well as other favorite home cooked foods. The topic was also shared the next day at the Renick Senior Citizens meeting.
Another community service was done by donating craft items and funds for the WVU’s award-winning Energy Express summer reading, art and nutrition program for children. Contact the WVU Greenbrier County Extension Office for more information on that program.
A donation was also made to the Williamsburg Flying Falcons 4-H Club to help fund summer learning activities.
The club’s next meeting will be held July 13 at the Williamsburg Historical Foundation Museum beginning at noon. The lesson will be on West Virginia Covered Bridges led by Barbara Deeds.
The lessons are provided by the West Virginia University Extension Service.
So, if you’re interested in getting involved in the community, come to a meeting. It’s a place to belong, learn, grow and have a good time with wonderful people who know how to make you feel welcome.
Williamsburg CEOS members brought items to be donated to the Greenbrier Valley Children’s Home.