Since 2014, five dilapidated structures have been demolished in city limits.
The city of Lewisburg implemented a Vacant Structure Ordinance in September 2014. The purpose of the ordinance was to monitor vacant buildings that may present a fire hazard, may provide temporary occupancy by transients (including drug users and traffickers), may detract from private and or public efforts to rehabilitate or maintain surrounding buildings, and the health, safety and welfare of the public.
As a result of that ordinance, several structures were identified as vacant. Some of those vacant structures were identified as dilapidated and unsafe by the building maintenance board.
The owners of those dilapidated structures were given an opportunity to rehabilitate the structure or have it demolished. As of May 2017, five structures have been demolished: 304 Dwyer Lane (barn demolished by owner); 314 Thomas Street (dwelling demolished by owner); 304 Thomas Street (building demolished by the city); 176 Montvue Drive (dwelling demolished by owner); 205 Montvue Drive (dwelling demolished by the city). One structure has been rehabilitated by the owner (310 Thomas Street).
310 Thomas Street after rehabilitation