On Oct. 26, students and teachers from Talcott Elementary School’s first through fifth grades visited Sprouting Farms in Talcott.
Sprouting Farms is a nonprofit farm and education center, working to increase local food production to meet regional demand and develop new farmers in the New River and Greenbrier Valley region. The students came to see the farm in three groups throughout the day. Students and teachers saw the farm’s greenhouse, high tunnels, fields, and they even tried farming out for themselves when they planted Romaine and Iceberg lettuce into seed trays.
Those seeds did a lot of growing from October 2017 to March 2018. When the lettuce was ready for harvesting, Sprouting Farms sent the lettuce to Greenville Kitchen in Greenville, for it to be cleaned and chopped. Then, Sprouting Farms gave 15 pounds of lettuce to Talcott Elementary School for the kids to eat at their school lunch. The kids ate lettuce they helped grow themselves and it was a pleasure for Sprouting Farms to be able to facilitate this hands-on educational experience. Sprouting Farms hopes the kids enjoyed their meal and would like to thank Talcott Elementary for visiting the farm. Our mission and excitement are fed when we are able to share local, nutrient-dense food with our own community. Thank you!
Any questions can be directed toward Beth Ryan, Community Outreach Coordinator. Let Beth know if you have a group of kids that would be interested in visiting the farm! Email: beth@sproutingfarms.org.
For more information about Sprouting Farms please visit www.sproutingfarms.org or follow us on Facebook @SproutingFarms and Instagram @sprouting_farms.