1. All private land in counties having a firearms antlerless deer season (Class N or NN) will be open Oct. 23-25, Nov. 24 – Dec. 6, Dec. 18-20 and Dec. 29-31. All public lands having an antlerless deer season will be open Nov. 24 – Dec. 6, Dec. 18-20 and Dec. 29-31. Bag limits vary among counties but will be either one or three antlerless deer.
2. Fall wild turkey hunting season has been decreased in 2014 with 13 counties open Oct. 11-18; seven counties open Oct. 11-18 and Oct. 27 – Nov. 1; and 14 counties open Oct. 11-18 and Oct. 27 – Nov. 15.
3. Black bear gun hunting seasons in 2014 include 16 counties or parts thereof open Sept. 18-20; eight counties open Oct. 4-10; 17 counties open Nov. 24 – Dec. 6 by permit only on private and public lands during the Buck Firearms Season and 11 counties open Nov. 24 – Dec. 6 without permit during the Buck Firearms Season, and all 55 counties open Dec. 8-31. The daily bag limit is one bear per day with a season bag limit of two bears, provided at least one bear comes from Boone, Fayette, Kanawha, Logan, McDowell, Mingo, Nicholas, Raleigh or Wyoming counties.
4. Trappers checking in beavers beginning Apr. 1, 2015 and hunters checking in turkeys during the 2015 spring gobbler seasons must follow the new rules for electronic checking of game.
5. Voters in several counties approved Sunday hunting recently. Please see the “Sunday Hunting” subheading under “Hunting” on the DNR website for a current list of counties open to Sunday hunting on private land.