Carnegie Hall invites students from the age of 6 -12 to come join in the fun and explore the wonderful world of the arts. Create your own clay creatures, visit outer space, and launch marshmallows from catapults built in class. Be a part of an archaeological dig, learn to paint like a Viennese artist, and learn how to play the recorder.
Carnegie Hall is offering Tuesday afternoon classes aimed at providing hands-on arts and sciences educational opportunities for homeschool and virtual school students. The 12-class Series takes place at Carnegie Hall on Tuesdays, March through May. Limited scholarships are available.
The STEAM oriented series begins with Build A Clay Animal, taught by Amy Durrman. The series continues with Painted Gourd Shakers (Sharon Ginsburg), An Intro to the Universe (Dave Buhrman, Art Journaling (Kathleen DeRouen), Build a Marshmallow Catapult (Harmony Flora), Learn to Play the Recorder (Susan Adkins), Draw & Paint Hundertwasser Style (Jennifer Orr), Can You Dig It? (Sean O’Connell), and Kids In the Kitchen (Harmony Flora).
Individual class dates and times are Tuesdays, Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Apr. 12, 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17, and 24, from 1-2:30 p.m. There is no class scheduled for April 5. These workshops are small, socially distanced, in-person classes. Maximum class size is 12 students. All participants are required to wear masks while in Carnegie Hall.
The Homeschool Series cost $180 for members and $200 for nonmembers. The price includes all materials. Thanks to generous support from Carnegie Hall sponsors, there are scholarships available that allow students to pay only $80 for all twelve classes. To enroll or for a complete list of classes and workshops visit carnegiehallwv.org/classes-and-workshops or call 304-645-7917, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.