Art Teacher Lynn Quillen at Rupert Elementary School kicks off every school year with an exciting collaborative project. She believes that starting the year with a group effort energizes students as they see their individual creations come together to form a large, unified art piece displayed in the hallway throughout the year.
This year, first to fifth grade students learned about Charles McGee, an American artist and educator renowned for his abstract paintings, sculptures, and assemblages. Each class received a square of colored paper and two black and two white strips. Students added lines and patterns to the strips before gluing them onto their colored squares.
The final masterpiece, arranged in the colors of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet – was mounted on black paper and now proudly hangs in the hallway at Rupert Elementary. Students take great pride in the completed artwork and in finding the square they contributed.
For more information, please contact Amber Osborne at adosborne@k12.wv.us.