The Ronceverte Woman’s Club (RWC) held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the Ronceverte Baptist Church.
The program was presented by the Education Committee, which invited Sally Lane, state coordinator of Reading Camps in West Virginia, to speak about this outreach ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia. Reading Camp is a free week-long camp for children going into 3rd, 4th or 5th grade who could use extra help with reading. The goal is, “to make them love learning in a safe and supportive environment in which they are able to learn and grow. It is about developing the life skills that enable children to succeed, not only in reading, but in all of life.” The staff is composed entirely of volunteers and the students are recommended by teachers. The Greenbrier County Camp will be held from June 24-28.
In the business session of the meeting, the RWC voted to give a generous monetary donation to the Reading Camps. The club also voted to give a donation to Read Aloud West Virginia. The members were asked to donate 50 by 60-inch fleece blankets for the Read Aloud Snuggle and Read program which will take place in Greenbrier County Preschools in October.
The next meeting of the RWC will be a dinner meeting at Edgarton Café on Monday, Mar. 25 at 6:30 p.m. The program will be a tribute to the memory of Douglas Hylton and his service to the town of Ronceverte.
If interested in joining the Ronceverte Woman’s Club, a civic organization dedicated to helping the community, please call 304-647-4890 for further information.