By Dakota Baker
Ronceverte City Council held their monthly meeting on Monday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting began with the approval of the minutes from November and was followed by citizen’s comments. A concerned employee of Architectural Wood requested a guardrail due to two cars running into their building over the years. Mayor Deena Pack acknowledged the concern and requested that the owner of the facility submit a request in writing or come speak with the City. The mayor stated since it was a city road they could potentially come up with a resolution. There was also concern about reckless driving on Pocahontas Avenue. Chief Hopkins stated they do have officers watching that area.
Resolution #9, which is a resolution of the City of Ronceverte relating to invoices for the design and construction of the sewer system repairs project and authorizing payment thereof, was approved by city council members. Anthony Brown gave an update from Thrasher, stating it is in the final design stage and that they should have design approval by the end of the year. Invoice #1 by E.L. Robinson for water system upgrades in the amount of $235,500 was approved by city council members. Resolution #1 for invoices related to the design and construction of the water upgrade project was approved by city council members, as well.
Two new law enforcement officers, Bradden Isaacs and Jonathan King, were sworn in by Mayor Pack during this city council meeting.
Mayor Pack commented on the Ronceverte Christmas Parade held on Monday, Dec. 4, stating, “It was a very successful parade and probably one of the most crowded she’s seen in a long time which is exciting and fun.” There are some upcoming events happening in Ronceverte, with the Ronceverte Development Corporation hosting a Holiday Open House on Friday, Dec. 15, from 5 to 8 p.m. There is a scavenger hunt for the kids, Santa will be at City Hall, the Accelerate WV team will be handing out hot chocolate, and there will be free carriage rides throughout town, as well as live music, food, and vendors in the armory.
Most businesses around town still have donation jars set out for donations to the snacks and packs program. This program helps to provide a bagged snack to go home with food insecure students at Ronceverte Elementary School. Extra snacks will be sent home with students over the holiday break due to students being out of school for 10 days.
City Hall will be closed on Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.
The City of Ronceverte also plans to send out the vacant structures’ registry at the beginning of the New Year, and those who own vacant structure will be required to participate in the registry. There will be a specific time frame to register those properties. This is a hopeful solution to the dilapidated property problem in Ronceverte and try to remediate as many as possible. This would help property values as well as beautify the City. Any property that has not had water or electricity hooked up to it for six months is considered a vacant property.
The Lions Club basketball teams have begun their season and are always looking for volunteers to help with concession stands.
The city is also looking to add some additional activities to be hosted in the armory such as movie nights, so that kids have activities available to them during the cold months.