The Richland Ruritans met on Jan. 11 at Calvary Methodist Church, and installed their new club officers for 2023. President is Doug McKinney, Vice President is Steve Harris, Secretary is Jack Tuckwiller, and Treasurer is Lucie Refsland. In the business meeting the club voted to change their meeting start time to 6:30 p.m. until the April meeting. After the April meeting they will return to the traditional 7 p.m. start time.
The business meeting for the Richlands Ruritans focused on project plans for the new year. The club will continue to offer scholarships to the Greenbrier Youth Camp; to finance a mural at a local nursing home; and to have a roadside clean-up campaign. Future plans for a raffle to raise money for community projects were tabled for another meeting.
The Richlands Ruritans club meets on the second Wednesday of each month for a dinner meeting at the Calvary Methodist Church on Midland Trail East in Richlands.
The Ruritan Civic organization is a national network of clubs working together for a stronger America. The Richlands Ruritans Club provides scholarships to local college students and 4-H campers, as well.