Dear Editor:
I write this letter in response to Dominion’s Atlantic Coast Pipeline full page ad in The Pocahontas Times Nov. 6, 2014 issue, page 8.
Headline in Dominion’s ad reads: “…we have a responsibility to make sure everyone knows the facts about this project.”
I’d like to point out what I think is the most important fact of this project. And that fact is the natural gas that would flow in this proposed pipeline would be obtained by fracking.
We see a full page ad about the facts, yet Dominion’s ad fails to mention this would be the massive expansion for infrastructure for large scale fracking.
I find it deceiving and horrific that this didn’t make their fact sheet.
One hundred-fifty years ago corporate people came to West Virginia and said, “let me give you three cents per acre for your mineral rights, this is a good deal for you.”
Today, Dominion headlines tout the term “Environmentally friendly.’’
Environmentally friendly fracking is an oxymoron.
People who believe in environmentally friendly fracking are just plain morons.
Dominion’s opinion of the intelligence of the Appalachian people is an insult to me. So, dear sirs and mams of Dominion, my response to your ad is this:
You may attach all of the ribbons and bows you like and throw on all the glitter you wish, but a bucket of s–– is still a bucket of s––.
I plead that you pause from your frenzy of corporate greed and dig deep for a fragment of moral fiber and understand that the people of the Appalachians value clean water and air.
So to Dominions proposal, I say, “No, thank you.”
Proud Appalachian
Eddie Fletcher