The Progressive CEOS met at the Extension Office for their October meeting with seven members present.
President Patty Gray opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. Colleen Walton read the minutes which were approved as read. Faye Honaker gave the Health Motivator Report.
Betty Jo brought the traveling basket and Sally Holliday took it home with her and will bring it back next month filled with goodies.
Lynn Humphreys, Sally Holliday, and Patty Gray attended Leadership Day and gave a report on it.
The Children’s Home Society needs help with new clothing for children 7 to 18.
There was a planning meeting for 2023 at the Extension Office on Oct. 21.
There will be a painting workshop on Nov. 10 in Rupert starting at 9:30 a.m. and two door prizes are needed.
At the next meeting we will work on the scrapbook. The location of the next meeting will be decided at a later date.
Patty gave a very interesting program on Music in the Mountain State.
Those present at the meeting were: Patty Gray, Faye Honaker, Lynn Hunphreys, Betty Jo McNeel, Sally Holliday, Susan McCree, Jean Foley and guest Kathy Foley.