Progressive Community Education Outreach Service (CEOS) held their March meeting at the WVU Extension Office in Fairlea. After the minutes, treasurer’s report, and committee reports members voted to send a donation to the NVON Bee Project which encourages members to recognize the importance of pollinators in our lives. WVU Extension is searching for a new name for the CEOS organization – a name that will eliminate the current CEOS logo.
Lynn Humphreys presented the educational lesson on Bridging the Gap with the Younger Generation. She used her experience as a Sunday school teacher for middle school students to consider ways to build interest in volunteering. Options are micro-volunteering which will fit busy schedules and engagement with technology using social media. Service provides the opportunity to bring people together for a purpose.
WVU Extension will conduct a virtual spring conference Mar. 19 thru 20. Contact the Extension Office 304-647-7408 for instruction on joining the Zoom meetings. Restoring Furniture will be the lesson at the Apr. 9 Progressive meeting.