Seven members of The Progressive CEOS met at the Rhema Church for their April meeting.
President Patty Gray opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. Social distancing was recognized, and masks were worn by all. There were no committee reports.
Faye Honaker gave the motivator’s report. The emphasis for this month is Calcium. Calcium is found in dairy products, sardines and salmon, dark green leafy vegetables, and tofu.
April Homes will give the May report.
Patty urged everyone to keep reading and keep account of books read. She reminded us of the short story and poetry contest which is due Aug. 15. We have plenty of time to think about entering.
Lynn Humphreys brought the traveling basket and Colleen Walton took it home with her and she will bring it back next month.
Patty brought the friendship quilt and passed it along to Lynn who will keep it a year. The quilt was made by the club and each square has a member’s name on it.
We will meet at Patty’s on Apr. 27 at 1 p.m. to stuff heart pillows.
WV- “We Volunteer” is the theme for Achievement Day. This is scheduled for May 6 at the WVU Building in the fairgrounds.
The lunch is catered for $11. Each club is to bring two door prizes and a breakfast item. Mary Jirka and Faye Honaker will furnish the door prizes and April Holmes will furnish the breakfast item.
The next meeting will be at the Extension Office. Our June meeting will be a bag lunch at Hart’s Run. Mary Jirka won the door prize.
The Program was “Becoming Active in your Community’s Historic Preservation.” Historic preservation is protecting and preserving items from the past for those in the future. Historic preservation emphasizes using what exists in a place rather than new development. The first step in historic preservation is to identify the place that needs to be protected. The next step is the most important and that involves taking official action to save the structure or site. The next step is to make sure that the places are protected. Once a historic place of structure is lost, that asset is lost to the community forever. Commemorative replicated or relocated buildings may be nice, but they are not eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, the nation’s official list of important cultural and historical places worthy of preservation. By being proactive in your community and by working to identify, repair and protect worthy places and structures, you can prevent this unfortunate loss of history – and create a situation where the lessons learned in the past are available for those in the future.
Patty provided a basket of healthy snack foods for her refreshments which were enjoyed by Faye Honaker, Jean Foley, Lynn Humphreys, Colleen Walton, Mary Jirka, April Holmes, and Patty Gray.