Progressive CEOS held their April meeting at the home of Patty Gray on Apr. 11. Progressive CEOS are continuing work on service projects by making heart pillows for surgery patients at CAMC. They also voted to contribute a monetary donation to the Lewisburg Fairlea Food Bank.
President Gray announced that Janet Johnson will represent Greenbrier County at the Folk Festival this summer. She was selected as the Greenbrier County Belle and will travel to Glenville to participate in events commemorating West Virginia’s heritage.
Lynn Humphreys gave the program on Growing, Drying, and Cooking with Herbs and the medicinal qualities of plants. Herbs, either fresh or dried, provide a punch of flavor and allow cooks to cut back on fats which lead to extra pounds and heart disease. Patty Gray’s lesson was on Crazy Quilts which were the rage in the late 1800’s. Women used silks, velvets, and satins to assemble random shaped quilt tops which were then heavily embellished with embroidery. These special quilts were meant for display and were not used as bedding.
Greenbrier County CEOS will hold their Achievement Day on May 24 at the WVU Extension Building at the WV State Fair. Registration will start at 9:30. The program will be on Pollinators and will be followed by a catered lunch.
Members attending were Colleen Walton, Jean Foley, Sally Holliday, Lynn Humphreys, Betty Jo McNeel, and Patty Gray.