Medical Assisting students from the New River Community and Technical College Greenbrier Valley Campus, working in cooperation with students from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, spent the nine days of the State Fair of West Virginia taking blood pressures for fairgoers at the WVSOM booth under the grandstand.
Medical Assisting is one of several allied health degree and certificate programs offered at the Greenbrier Valley Campus. Others include Phlebotomy, Medical Billing and Coding, Practical Nursing, Health Information Technology and EMT-Paramedic.
Fall semester classes began Aug. 19 at the Greenbrier Valley Campus and at New River’s other campuses in Raleigh, Mercer, and Nicholas Counties. Registration is closed for the fall semester, but applications are being accepted for admission for spring semester.
The Greenbrier Valley Campus is located at 101 Church Street, Lewisburg. For more information, visit www.newriver.edu, or call 304-647-6560.