At a ceremony in the Lewisburg City Council Chamber, Mayor Beverly White read and signed the proclamation of Lewisburg’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Week, which is scheduled for the week beginning with Lewisburg’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration on Jan. 17. As usual, commemorative banners will be attached to the lampposts in town that week.
As was the case during the winter COVID-19 surge this time last year, there will be no traditional march, community lunch, or program in the Lewisburg United Methodist Church. Instead, a celebration video similar to last year’s is being prepared by videographer Rich McMahan. On Jan. 17 the video will be available to watch and will be accessible by searching on the website or the YouTube App for the title: Lewisburg MLK 2022.
Singers Nevaeh Traynham and Chris Winston will perform, and Mayor White will again read Lewisburg’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Week proclamation which includes a stirring tribute to Dr. King. The Keynote speaker will be Bishop Fred Simms of Heart of God Ministries in Beckley. He is well known for his extraordinarily extensive community work on behalf of the people of Beckley, Raleigh County, and West Virginia in general.