Lewisburg is preparing an application for the 2014 America In Bloom national beautification campaign and contest. Representatives from local garden clubs, the Greenbrier Historical Society, the Lewisburg Historic Landmarks Commission, The Lewisburg Foundation, the Mayor’s office and the Recorder’s office have been meeting for several months planning for the application. Lewisburg will be competing against three other cities in the 3,500-4,500 population category. Part of the process involves inviting America In Bloom Judges to evaluate Lewisburg in categories including Floral Displays, Landscaped Areas, Urban Forestry, Environmental Effort, Heritage Preservation and Overall Impression.
Two judges will visit Lewisburg June 19-20 as part of the America In Bloom (AIB) national beautification campaign and contest. The judges for Lewisburg are Barbara Vincentsen, owner of Vincentsen Associates, a medium-sized award-winning architectural firm in Westfield, NJ and Katy Moss Warner, president emeritus of the American Horticultural Society. Vincentsen and Moss Warner are professionally trained volunteers and will evaluate the three communities within Lewisburg’s population category.
“Lewisburg is participating in the America In Bloom to receive a third-pai-ty evaluation of our beautification efforts,” said Shannon Beatty, coordinator of the American In Bloom project for the city of Lewisburg. “Volunteers play an important role in nearly every criteria evaluated by America In Bloom so the program is a great way to highlight their efforts.”
Observations from the judges’ visit will be shared at the America In Bloom awards symposium, to be held in October in Philadelphia, PA. For local information about Lewisburg’s participation, contact Shannon Beatty at 304-645-2080. For additional information on the national program, America in Bloom visit www.americainbloom.org.