Carnegie Hall’s Spring Classes & Workshops Series continues with Linoleum Cut Printmaking with teaching artist Eddie “Spaghetti” Maier this Saturday, Apr. 22, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration for this Family Fun Class is $65 for members ($75 for nonmembers). Class size is limited, and students must be 12 years of age or older.
Linocut is a printmaking technique, a variant of woodcut in which a sheet of linoleum is used for a relief printing surface. A design is cut into the linoleum surface with a sharp knife or V-shaped chisel. The linoleum sheet is inked with a roller (called a brayer), and then impressed onto paper. The actual printing can be done by hand or with a printing press. All materials are provided and no experience necessary.
Eddie Maier is a Pennsylvania native now living in Morgantown, West Virginia, having graduated from West Virginia University. He uses his creative talents to share nature’s bountiful gifts of beauty. While he predominately works as a printmaker, he is also adept in other mediums including pottery, batik, mural painting, and just about anything art related. Maier also loves to share his talents by teaching and holding art workshops.
Even after 20 years of making woodcuts, Maier still says, “I can’t stop carving. I’ve become obsessed with the process. I love printmaking.” … and his passion shows in his work.
To register or for a complete list of classes and workshops visit carnegiehallwv.org/classes-and-workshops or pick up a Classes & Workshops brochure at Carnegie Hall.