Volunteers: Front Step: Sydney Vaughn (left), Will Godby, Goo Holmes; Second Step: Suzanne Cronquist (left), Jack Vaughn, Lily Dense, Grace Crickenberger; Third Step: Linda Pennington (left), Michael Vaughn, Katie Weiford, Caleb Cecil.
Carnegie Hall Kids’ College Teaching Artists broadened students artistic and scientific horizons in a safe and nurturing environment, while volunteers assisted teachers in classes such as pottery, creative writing, origami, baking, basket weaving, quilting, cooking, fashion, knitting, music, and more.
For any questions or more information, contact Education Coordinator Leah Trent at 304-645-7917 or trent@carnegiehallwv.org.
Teaching Artists: Front Step: Sarah Shepherd (left), Sarah Hann; Second Step: Sharon Ginsburg; Third Step: Leah Trent (left), Susan Adkins, Marguerite Kemp-Sherman; Fourth Step: Teri Hartford (left), Kathy Talley; Top Step: Harmony Flora (left), John Arnold, Michael Kincaid, Mike Vincent.