James Monroe High School’s Student Government Association will host its fourth annual James Monroe Day on Apr. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Highlights of previous James Monroe Days included a variety of community-oriented themes such as: a display of the Monroe County Courthouse Bell, cast in 1818 when James Monroe was President of the United States; a display from Sprouting Farms with equipment, products, and ideas for local food production and marketing; a display from the Monroe County Historical Society with living historians, maps, and publications regarding our community’s rich and varied history; local veterans organizations – the American Legion and Vietnam Veterans of America; “Senator Jennings Randolph,” sponsor of the 26th Amendment that lowered to voting age to 18 as portrayed by Mr. Lee Dean of the WV Secretary of State’s office; “President James Monroe” on his trusty horse as portrayed by JMHS’s Dr. Scott Womack and his horse, Red; one-act plays about James Monroe written and performed by JMHS students; and military recruiters.
In addition to activities such as those listed, JMHS will use this year’s James Monroe Day to honor students who have committed to serving our country in uniform as members of the U.S. Armed Forces. We will also take time to honor the Senior Class for earning the Jennings Randolph Award for registering the entire class to vote. Both events will include a recognition ceremony with guest speakers.
The JMHS Student Government hopes to reprise these and other interested civic organizations this year at James Monroe Day. If your group would like to participate, please contact the SGA advisor, Dr. Scott Womack, via email at swomack@k12.wv.us, phone at 304-753-5182, or on Facebook messenger.