On Apr. 24, James Monroe High School’s (JMHS) Student Government Association hosted its fourth annual James Monroe Day. Highlights of this year’s event were a display of the Monroe County Courthouse Bell, cast in 1818 when James Monroe was President of the United States, representatives from local American Legion Posts 100 and 145, a display from the Monroe County Historical Society with maps and publications regarding our community’s rich and varied history, a display of Colonial Era daily life items by Chris Johnson and Kevin Pruitt of the Sons of the American Revolution, and none other than President James Monroe himself, on his trusty horse.
The JMHS Student Government Association intends to continue the tradition of holding a James Monroe Day annually on a date on or around his birthday, Apr. 28. Community organizations wishing to participate in James Monroe Day should contact the SGA advisor, Dr. Scott Womack, via email at swomack@k12.wv.us, phone at 304-753-5182, or on Facebook messenger.