2016 Spring GVTweens Showcase ‘The Reluctant Dragon’

2016 Spring GVTots Showcase ‘Falling Up to Broadway’
Greenbrier Valley Theatre’s (GVT) Youth Education Program is proud to announce its 2017 After-School fall classes schedule: GVTots I (Grades K-1) and II (Grades 2-3), GVTweens (Grades 4-5), GVTeens I (Grades 6-8) and II (Grades 9-12) and the year-long Conservatory (Grades 8-12, by audition).
Registration for after-school classes is open now through Sept. 15. You can register for classes by contacting GVT Education Director Courtney Susman via email at courtney@gvtheatre.org or by calling the Education Office at 304-645-3838 ext. 111. GVTots I and II, GVTweens and GVTeens I and II are for one semester at a time, taking place in the fall and the spring.
For teens who are dedicated to studying the techniques of acting in a more intensive format, GVT offers a year-long conservatory program. Conservatory program admission is based on a competitive audition process.
After-school classes begin Sept. 18 and run through Dec. 20 on the following schedule:
- Monday: GVTweens 4-5 p.m.; Conservatory 5:15-7:15 p.m.
- Tuesday: GVTots I (Grades K-1) 4-5 p.m.; GVTots II (Grades 2-3) 5:15-6:15 p.m.
- Wednesday: GVTeens I (Grades 6-8) 4-5 p.m.; GVTeens II (Grades 9-12) 5:15-6:15 p.m.
Tuition for these classes is $90 ($125 for Conservatory) per semester or $170 ($240 for Conservatory) for both Fall and Spring semesters, if registering for the entire year. Tuition for each additional child in the same family is $75 per semester. Need-based scholarships are available.
For scholarship applications, to register, to schedule an audition or for any other information regarding GVT’s Youth Education Program, contact courtney@gvtheatre.org or call the Education Office at (304) 645-3838 ext. 111. This program is presented with financial assistance from the West Virginia Division of Culture & History, and the National Endowment for the Arts, with approval from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts.