The Advisory Committee for the Greenbrier Valley Women’s invites area women who would like to have a positive impact on the lives of other women in the community to attend its first annual luncheon and distribution meeting.

The luncheon will be held at noon on Sept. 10 at Saint James Episcopal Church in Lewisburg. Tammy Jordan, president of Fruits of Labor, will prepare the meal and make a presentation on her farm-to-table “Seeds of Recovery” program for women in the Greenbrier County drug court system.
The Women’s Fund will also be presenting a distribution check for a project selected by the membership. This year, members will choose between projects proposed by the Greater Greenbrier Chamber of Commerce and the Pocahontas County Arts Council (PCAC). The Chamber is interested in hosting a quarterly “Women’s Leadership Roundtable and Group Discussion” to offer professional women in the community the opportunity for networking and career advancement. These events will provide both personal enrichment and ideas for business development in a welcoming environment. PCAC will be presenting “A Celebration of Women & the Arts” to introduce women to the dynamic female artists and artisans in Pocahontas County. They hope to inspire women to become involved in supporting the evolving art community with a fun shopping day set aside just for women. They will hold demonstrations of various art forms as well as “just-for-fun” activities. Artists from six different organizations in the area will be participating.
Membership in the Greenbrier Valley Women’s Fund is available to all women who pay annual dues or make a donation to the fund. Dues for 2014 are $20, the entire amount of which is applied to the fund. Since the fund is an endowment, only the earnings are distributed and the principal is protected. Accordingly, the fund will be able to provide grants to empower women in perpetuity. Membership forms and ballots may be obtained by visiting the “Women’s Fund” page at, calling 304-645-5620, or emailing Ballots must be returned by Sept. 1 to be counted.
The Greenbrier Valley Women’s Fund was established in 2006 at the Greenbrier Valley Community Foundation (GVCF) to assist local nonprofits that work in our region to empower women. To date, the fund has distributed $7,630. Recipients include: The Family Refuge Center, High Rocks Educational Corporation, Almost Heaven Habitat for Humanity, the Alderson Quilters Guild, Greenbrier/Pocahontas Parents as Teachers, the Tutoring Center, Pocahontas County Historic Preservation Project, Homeless Inc., and the Women on Wellness program. The 2014 Women’s Fund Advisory Committee members are Diane Browning, Joan Browning, Sally Cooper, Vicki Dove, Barbara Elliott, Suzanne Horst, Gloria Martin, Sarah Riley, Susan Rosshirt, Cindy Rowlands, Molly Scarborough and Robin Spence.
The Greenbrier Valley Community Foundation was incorporated in 1999. It is a collection of funds, each with a separate agreement, donors, and philanthropic purpose. When appropriate, each fund makes an annual grant to area nonprofit organizations and through scholarships for higher education. GVCF has distributed over $2.1 million to the community.