The Greenbrier Valley Board of Realtors met on Thursday, Oct. 26, at The Dutch Haus Restaurant for their regular monthly meeting.
Bobbie Jackson, realtor with Country Road Realty, LLC, Lewisburg, presided. The luncheon was sponsored by Dianne Beale, Prime Lending of Lewisburg. Guests included Heather Blake and Alice Hollingsworth with Greenbrier Greeters, who gave an overview of their services to newcomers in this area. New affiliate Michael R. Hillegas with Hillegas Contracting & Consulting, LLC, introduced his business in Monroe County. He specializes in radon testing and mitigation and residential electrical services.
The speaker for the luncheon was Phil Cornett with the West Virginia Great Barrel Company. He gave an overview of the new manufacturing business planned for Harts Run. With a need for white oak barrels used in the whiskey, bourbon, and rye industry, this new company plans to produce 125,000 barrels annually. The company has already purchased a saw mill in Monroe County, which will cut, dry and process the white oak into the staves needed to assemble the barrels at the Harts Run Industrial Facility. Much of the white oak will be harvested from West Virginia forests.
Any local businesses interested in becoming affiliate members of the Greenbrier Valley Board of Realtors, please contact the Board Office at www.gvbor.com.