Greenbrier County Special Olympics is holding a Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on Saturday, Jan. 17, from 8 to 10 a.m., at the Lewisburg Applebee’s, 200 Piercy Drive. Tickets are $5 and are available from Special Olympics members and at the door. Breakfast includes pancakes, coffee or soft drinks. The breakfast is eat-in only; no carry-outs.
Direct donations may be made by check to “Greenbrier County Special Olympics” and mailed to Linda Weikle, 276 Bailey Road, Lewisburg, WV 24901-9389. The funds raised at this event will go towards the registration fees for the state Basketball and Cheerleading competitions in March. It costs about $1,400-$2,000 for each tournament that athletes and volunteers attend. We appreciate the support of the community!
Greenbrier County Special Olympics is a nonprofit organization that uses its funds to purchase tee-shirts/uniforms, pay registration fees for state events, and other fees as needed for its athletes. Special Olympics offers children and adults with intellectual disabilities comprehensive year-round training and competition in Olympic-type sports. It is open to all people with intellectual disabilities who are at least 8 years old, regardless of the degree of their disability. Athletes interested in participating in Greenbrier County Special Olympics may contact John Miller, Jr., director, at 304-646-0579.