Greenbrier County 4-H camps held their eigth annual “fun-raiser” triathlon for a child in the county that is dealing with health issues.
The recipient this year is Andrew Adwell, a 4-H’er from the Rt. 92 Rangers 4-H Club. Andrew is recovering from a craniotomy for a tumor on his optical nerve. He is now recovering and in rehab. The campers raised or donated money to send to Andrew, and to support the scholarship program for youth to attend 4-H camp. Andrew will receive $1,600 from the fun-raiser. Ashley Stidom raised $150, and the following campers raised over $50: Logan Massie, Morgan Massie, Aly Bush, Nora Ambler, Laci Huffman, Bridgette Altizer, Paige Altizer, Walker Hager, Lauren Quick, Bella Fury, and Jagger McNeely.