Girl Scout Troop 37400 has had a busy spring thus far. On Mar. 18 the girls built time capsules and completed some directed drawings. During this meeting they also put together three backpacks with travel supplies for kids that they gifted to their council to auction off at their annual meeting in April to sponsor girls. They also collected food and books for the boxes that Maddie and Quinn made and placed at their council’s facility a couple years ago.
The girls have also been working on stem dreamer sets. These sets consist of 13 pieces. The middle piece tells what the award is, and each additional piece represents a woman who had an impact in STEM. Through each award girls not only learn about the female represented by each puzzle piece, but they also complete activities that remind them of what they learned.
On Apr. 9 the troop met at Goodwill to earn their budgeting badges. Girls had no more than $12 each to buy an outfit with. On Apr. 18 during their troop meeting the girls wore the outfits that they bought and pretended to be a new character that they made up while playing games. During this meeting the girls also put together garden sets that they have been periodically been placing in a blessing box in their town. Some members of the troop attended an outdoor camp basics day at the Greenbrier State Forest on May 1, and one member attended their council’s annual meeting where they were honored to participate in the opening and closing color guards in April.