Girl Scout Troop 37400 had an exciting month of August. On Aug. 3 they had a meeting where they walked around side streets close to their meeting place and played Harry Potter Go, and then came back to make some crafts like toad houses and kites. On Aug. 8 eight the troop met for an early morning walk around town. On the 10th they met at the Fish Hatchery in White Sulphur to play bingo and to complete a few outdoor challenges like learning how to use binoculars. On the 17th they went to Brad Paisley Park to work on their field day and game visionary badges, while also getting in some free play. On the 18th the troop met to honor two members, Alea Harper and Tonya Martin, for all their hard work this year. During this time the troop enjoyed party games, watched a virtual Diamonds are Forever feed from our council, and ate cake.
Aug. 31 the troop met to hold their annual fall kick off meeting. This year the troop earned their new business badges and completed a ninja laser challenge. Other fun things the troop would like to mention from this month were that three girls – Tonya Martin, Alexandra Desmond, and Jessalyn Desmond- filled their troop’s charts for wearing uniform, attendance, and behavior earning them each a prize. Marley White earned her bronze award and Jessalyn Desmond mailed in paperwork to our council to hopefully earn hers. Quinn and Maddie Sears finished their bronze and silver projects and now must do paperwork. 100% of the troop has completed their council and national outdoor challenge awards. Alexandra and Jessalyn Desmond won the troops summer swap contest by making the most swaps this summer in the troop. The troop found out they are earning the Methodist Church’s bishop award.
Lastly, Tonya Martin had another fundraiser to earn money for her trip to London and Paris with her council in 2022. Tonya thanks all that have supported her thus far through her sales and through donations. Tonya still needs $1,046 for her trip. If you would like to support her you can text her leader, Jessica Martin, at 304-661-4065 and she can send you a link to donate. The troop would also like to remind everyone that nuts and candies go on sale Oct. 1. The troop has a big goal of 500 items sold, so please help the girls next month if you can!