The Master Gardeners of Greenbrier Valley and the Greenbrier County WVU Extension Office are offering a free pruning workshop at the demonstration garden at the fairgrounds on Saturday, Sept. 29.
As in past years, Dr. Mira Bulatovic-Danilovich from West Virginia University is conducting the workshop which is open to the public at no cost.
Dr. Danilovich is the Horticulture Specialist and Associate Professor at West Virginia University and is also the WV State Master Gardener coordinator. She earned her PhD in pomology (the study and cultivation of fruit) from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. She is a specialist in orchard production and management. Dr. Danilovich studied and worked at Michigan State University Extension for 20 years as District Horticultural Educator and Commercial Horticulturist (fruit tree production and management) and as a County Extension Director before accepting her current position at West Virginia University.
Dr. Danilovich will demonstrate how to prune various trees and bushes at the demonstration garden and will answer general questions about techniques for pruning all kinds of plants and trees. Greenbrier County is fortunate to have such a knowledgeable and distinguished specialist volunteer to share her expertise with anyone interested in learning about plant pruning.
The demonstration will begin at l p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29, at the demonstration garden on the north end of the WV state fairgrounds beside the open air pavilion. Everyone is welcome. Any questions about the upcoming workshop can be directed to the WVU Extension office in Fairlea, at 304-647-7408.