Since its inception, FloydFest, the summer outdoor music festival near Floyd, VA, has celebrated its status as a truly unique, fiercely independent festival experience that challenges the definition of the typical “summer music festival.”
That’s why, for its 13th year, FloydFest is bringing its fans a Revolutionary 5-day music, outdoors and healing arts experience that will embrace the beauty of creativity, evolution and positive change. Among the changes taking place this year, the festival is offering attendees a full 5-day staycation, July 23-27. Festival-goers will also discover a bold new musical lineup, featuring an unprecedented melding of R&B, Blues, Reggae, Americana and more.
For 2014, the following important logistical changes have been put in place:
Camping: All on-site campers will be given a designated 15×15 camping area with the purchase of a Tent Tag prior to the festival. All RV camping has been moved off the festival site to the nearby Delta lot, while the Bravo lot will be designated for off-site car camping. All car campers will be issued a parking ticket that allots for a 10×10 parking space right next to their vehicle.
Parking: All General Admission parking has been moved off-site to the Alpha lot. The Alpha, Bravo and Delta lots are all flat, spacious and easily-accessible to all types of vehicles. To make the check-in process easier, Alpha Lot ticket check-in and parking payment will occur directly at the lot, so be sure to bring cash! Spaces for RVs at the Delta Lot and Car Camping at the Bravo Lot will be available on a first-come, first-served basis during the festival, unless sold out via pre-event online sales. Powered RV spots are currently sold-out.
Shuttle Service: Shuttles to and from the festival site and all parking lots will run continuously from 9 a.m. until 2 a.m. every day. Each individual shuttle will be assigned a truck with an equipment trailer, so campers will never have to be separated from their gear.
Severe Weather Preparedness: Summer weather in the Blue Ridge Mountains is about as predictable as next year’s FloydFest theme, and the festival has taken every possible precaution to ensure that attendees will be safe, comfortable and able to access transportation should a severe weather event occur. FloydFest staff have planned extensively with all local farmers, garages, and area law enforcement regarding severe weather preparedness and evacuation procedures. Harboring fears of an on-site mud pit? Fear no longer – this year’s festival site will feature gravel pathways from the entrance all the way through the main field.
For more information and the full 2014 “Revolutionary” artist lineup, visit www.floydfest.com, or call 1-888-VA-FESTS.