The GFWC WV Ronceverte Woman’s Club (RWC) met for their monthly meeting at Edgarton Cafe on Mar. 23 at 6:30 and enjoyed a delightful dinner.
The program for the meeting was given by RWC member Sherry McCormick-Hawkins who is an exercise physiologist, personal trainer and owner of Fit Your Way. Sherry gave a lively talk on the benefits of exercise and outlined a plan for creating and sticking to a workout program. For more information about Fit Your Way, call 304-992-2021 or go to sherry.fityourway@gmail.com.
Vice-president Sandra Walton and Sherry McCormick-Hawkins reported on the GFWC WV Annual Convention that was held at The Greenbrier on Mar. 20-22. In the Arts and Crafts state contest, Ruth Sturgill won blue ribbons on two of her digital photographs and Sue Ella Miano won a red ribbon on her cross stitch entry.
The club finalized their plans for a special event that would take place on Apr. 11 at the Ronceverte Baptist Church. The club will sponsor a presentation by Mary Dailey of Sacajawea who was the Indian guide that helped Lewis and Clark in their search for the Pacific Ocean as they explored the Louisiana Purchase of 1804. The presentation is offered through the West Virginia Humanities Council’s History Alive! program. The club decided this would be a free program open to the public and the hospitality committee was put in charge of refreshments.
Club president Sally Parker encouraged the members to participate in the Ronceverte clean up day scheduled for Apr. 18 and to attend the Southern District workshop which will be hosted by the Rupert Woman’s Club on Saturday, Apr. 25.
The RWC welcomes new members. If interested in joining this community service organization, please call 304-647-4890.