On Monday, Apr. 10, the EGMS golf team played a nine hole match at the Lewisburg Elks Club on the front 9, par 34. A double bogey was the maximum and 52 was a maximum score.
Scores for EGMS from the lowest to the highest were as follows: Alex Kagan 42 (medalist), Hayden Yates 43, Zach Patton 46, Tristan VanBuren 46, Ryan Meadows 47, Dayton Austin 48, Chase Miria 48, Kyle Ballard 49, Tucker Lambert 49, Kendall Giles 49, Ian Morrison 50, Evan McClure 50, Bryce Mcallister 50, Tristan Deeds 50, Alex Hanna 51, Dawson Beavers 51, Jed White 51, Aaron Griffith 52, Suzanne Buckler 52, Lexi Tipton 52, Andrew McLaughlin 52 and Jake McGilvray 52. (Evan Vaughan was sick and not able to play.)
Summers County: Ashton Basham 49, Bryson Keaton 50, Logan Fox 51 and Sam Whittaker 52.
Western Greenbrier: Dakota Parker 49, Ty Nickell 50, Levi Spencer 51 and Chase Boggs 52.
On Monday, Apr. 24, EGMS played the front nine par 34 at the Lewisburg Elks Club and double bogey maximum for a 52 maximum. EGMS scores were Alex Kagan 38 (medalist), Ryan Meadows 45, Kyle Ballard 46, Dawson Beavers 47, Evan Vaughan 47, Tucker Lambert 48, Hayden Yates 48, Zach Patton 49, Kendall Giles 50, Bryce McCallister 50, Ian Morrison 51, Aaron Griffith 51, Dayton Austin 51, Evan McClure 51, Alex Hanna 51, Jake McGilvray 51, Chase Miria 51, Tristan VanBuren 52, Suzanne Bicksler 52 and Andrew McLaughlin 52. Lexi Tipton was ill, Tristan Deeds couldn’t play and Jed White was able to play only three holes before he had to leave.
Western Greenbrier Middle School scores were Ethan O’Dell 43, Dakota Parker 45, Ty Nickell 49 and Chase Boggs 52.
On Apr. 26, 12 players on the EGMS traveled to Hinton to the Willow Wood Golf Course to play their fourth match. They played the nine hole course, par 36. A double bogey maximum was recorded for speed of play with 54 being a maximum score. EGMS scores were Alex Kagan 44 (Medalist), Tucker Lambert 45, Kendall Giles 49, Dayton Austin 50, Evan Vaughan 51, Ryan Meadows 51, Hayden Yates 52, Zach Patton 52, Chase Miria 52, Kyle Ballard 53, Ian Morrison 54 and Tristan Van Buren 54.
Summers County Scores were Nick Willey 52, Sam Whittaker 52, Danaylee Long 53, Bryson Keaton 53, Michael Sprague 54 and Taylor Issac 54.
On May 1, 21 of the 23 players for EGMS played a nine hole match at the Valley View Golf Course at White Sulphur Springs. The par is 36 and playing a double bogey maximum made the maximum score 54. EGMS scores were Kyle Ballard 46, Evan Vaughan 48, Jed White 50, Alex Kagan 50, Hayden Yates 50, Tistan VanBuren 51, Tucker Lambert 52, Chase Mizia 52, Bryce Mcallister 52, Tristan Deeds 52, Aaron Griffith 52, Dawson Beavers 53, Ryan Meadows 53, Dayton Austin 54, Zach Patton 54, Ian Morrison 54, Andrew McLaughlin 54, Suzanne Buckler 54, Lexi Tipton 54, Evan McClure 54 and Alex Hanna 54.
Western Greenbrier scores were Dakota Parker 45 (medalist), Ty Nickell 50, Ethan O’Dell 51, Chase Boggs 52 and Levi Spencer 53.
Summers County Scores were Nick Willey 50, Bryson Keaton 52, Ashton Basham 53, Danaylee Long 53, Logan Fox 54, Michael Sprague 54 and Taylor Isaac 54.