The General Andrew Lewis Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) met for their monthly meeting on Oct. 20 at the Dutch Haus Restaurant. Regent Deborah Phillips presided. Judy Deegans and Sandra Cowan were the hostesses.
The program was a presentation by Drs. Kim and Stephen McBride. The McBrides are Greenbrier County natives who are retired archeologists from the University of Kentucky. They have returned to live in the McBride home on Washington Street. The program was on their research of the sites of early frontier forts in the Greenbrier Valley. Using a slide show they gave an excellent presentation of what they search for and the methods they use in that search. The McBrides just finished, for the season, a dig at the Thompson Fort in Pickaway.

Skip Deegans gave a brief report on his work to identify the graves of those patriots who fought in the American Revolution and are buried in the Cemetery at Old Stone Church. At this point, he has found and verified nine of those patriots. It is the intention of the General Andrew Lewis Chapter of the DAR to identify those graves with an appropriate marker.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a nonprofit, nonpolitical women’s service organization whose main objectives are historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Members are all lineal descendants of those who supported the cause of independence in the Revolutionary War in 1776. If you are interested in the Daughters of the American Revolution, call former Regent Sandra Cowan at 304-497-3553.