On Oct. 17, Lee Street Studios welcomed the kindergarten class of United Methodist Church to an “Introduction to The Violin” class with violinist Adam DeGraff in the Lee Street Listening Room.
DeGraff’s gift on the violin and his gift with children was magical; the children’s response was priceless.
It was a wonderful example of what Lee Street mission is, community outreach. The children’s enthusiasm, and parents too, was reinforcement that what Lee Street is doing is of great value and they hope to see many more children parading through the halls! If you are interested in having a group of children (or adults) to visit Lee Street Studios contact Anne Turner at 410-200-1562 or visit the website www.leestreetstudios.com.
Lee Street Studios is located at 232 Lee Street, North and their winter hours are Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., and Saturdays from 11 a.m. -3 p.m., or by appointment.