Dear Recycle Lady,
I have recently gotten new eyeglasses and am wondering what to do with my old ones. I know there used to be places that collected formerly used glasses for the Lion’s Club sight program. Do you know of any place in Greenbrier County that collects used glasses for this purpose?
Better Vision Now
Dear Better Vision Now,
I’m glad you are seeing better and want to help others to have the same ability. The Ferrell Eye Clinic on Lafayette Street in Lewisburg, collects old eyeglasses for the Lion’s Sight program. They will be happy to receive all donations for this program. Readers, if there are other collection sites, please let me know.
Dear Recycle Lady,
Why all the concern about using paper towels. They are made from trees, which are a sustainable recourse.
Likes Paper Towels
Dear Likes Paper Towels,
According to, there are three reasons not to use paper towels. One, is to save trees and resources. Deforestation is one of the biggest challenges we have today for the preservation of our environment and resources. Free the ocean says that 51,000 trees are cut down every day to satisfy North America’s paper towel habit. Second, using a reusable cloth reduces pollution and third, reusing a reusable cloth saves money.
There are several alternatives to using paper towels. Using recycled paper towels helps somewhat, but their production still requires some trees, and they contribute to landfill waste. A variety of green solutions available today. They may take a little getting used to, but using them are worth the effort. Biodegradable, reusable cloth towels are available that are less expensive than paper towels and can be used multiple times. Your grandmother’s “rag-bag” was a great eco-friendly way to use worn outcloth items. She didn’t throw away old sheets or unwearable clothing. They were put in the “rag-bag” to be used as clean up cloths.
Dear Recycle Lady,
Kitty litter, and other products, come in boxes that have plastic handles. Can they be sent to the Recycling Center without removing the plastic handle?
Love My Cats
Dear Love My Cats,
Yes, all clean cardboard boxes can be sent to the Recycling Center. The plastic handles do not need to be removed. Did you know kitty litter can be used when your car is stuck in snow? Just throw several handfuls under the tires to improve traction. Kitty litter can also be used on icy sidewalks or steps. One word of caution. Kitty litter will cling to shoes so place a mat at the entry for wiping off shoes.
Good News: Portugal has created the largest marine protected area in Europe, around the Selvagens Islands – over 1,000 square miles that’s bursting with marine life.
Have questions about recycling, or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests to Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.