The monthly meeting of the General Andrew Lewis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was called to order on Nov. 17 by First Vice Regent Barbara Holt. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Vice Regent Holt introduced the speaker who was well known to the club.
Member Ruth Sturgill presented a program on Revolutionary War Music. Sturgill is a retired music educator and performer. She brought her 100 year-old dulcimer and entertained the club with such tunes as Barbara (Barby) Allen, Chester and Revolutionary Tea. She introduced each tune with a history of why it was written and double meanings included in the lyrics. It was a very entertaining and pleasant program.
The annual clothing drive for the Veterans at the VA Hospital in Beckley was discussed and delivery is expected to be made the first week of December. Members were reminded that the Southern District Conference of the West Virginia DAR will be held on Aug. 26, 2023, at the Clingman Conference Center.
After the general business of the club was discussed, a lovely dessert was served to the club by The Dutch Haus Restaurant. Ruth Sturgill further indulged the members by being our hostess and choosing delicious desserts for the club to enjoy.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a non-profit, nonpolitical women’s service organization whose main objectives are historic preservation, education and patriotism. Members are all lineal descendants of those who supported the cause of independence in the Revolutionary War back in 1776. If you are interested in the Daughters of the American Revolution, call former Regent Sandra Cowan at 304-497-3553.