The General Andrew Lewis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met for their June meeting at the home of Karen Lee McClung on June 20, West Virginia Day. Carol Olson served as McClung’s co-hostess. The meeting was opened by Regent Suzanne Cronquist with the Pledge of Allegiance and the DAR Ritual. Next came a rousing rendition of the The West Virginia Hills.
The meeting was then suspended to greet and hear from the speaker, Ruann Handy, Chief, VA Center for Development and Engagement. Handy is located at the VA Medical Center in Beckley. She spoke to the group about the role of her department in engaging with the veterans and their families not only for medical care but about socialization and assisting the veterans with transportation and meeting their nutritional and clothing needs. Her department distributes over 600 boxes of food each month to veterans and their families. She explained her office is serving not only the 25 to 50 in-patients at the Center, but those veterans who come to the out-patient clinic and the homeless veterans. Handy took back with her over $1,000 in new clothing and games which were donated by the members of the General Andrew Lewis Chapter. The members learned a lot about how they can become more engaged directly with the veterans such as upcoming events where volunteers are needed. If you would like to become a volunteer either here at the VA outpost in Fairlea or in Beckley, you can reach Ms. Handy at 304-255-2121 extension 4162. You can apply online for VA Health Care at VA.gov/PACT.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a non-profit, non-political women’s service organization whose main objectives are historic preservation, education and patriotism. Members are all lineal descendants of those who supported the cause of independence in the Revolutionary War in 1776. If you are interested in the Daughters of the American Revolution, call Registrar Sandra Cowan at 681-215-5303 during the afternoon hours.